From Mother Pippa
Our church absolutely sparkles and shines! Thank you to everyone who stayed and cleaned on Sunday, I think we had a very successful Clean Up Sunday. If you missed it, there are still some windows that could use some shining, and some thank you gifts in the Parish Hall. I greatly appreciate the hard work and care that everyone showed for our buildings.
Sunday is the last in our movie series and discussion, and we will be watching Inside Out. I hope you will join us at 11:30 a.m. at Emmanuel UCC. It has been so much fun to watch these videos with children and adults – each person sees and notices different themes. I think this month’s movie will be particularly interesting as we examine the role emotions have in our lives, and the ways they help us connect with others. Following the movie, we will have a short discussion. All are welcome.
You are also welcome to join Emmanuel UCC for Homebrewed Faith at the Splash Bar in Oconomowoc this Wednesday, May 25, at 7 p.m. For some of us, we grew up in the church and were given our faith by our parents and teachers. We were told what to believe. Some of that faith was beneficial and sometimes it wasn’t. Homebrewed Faith is a chance to do take seriously the history and traditions of Christianity and reflect on them for our modern world, so we can create and choose a faith of our own. Everyone is welcome, any or no beliefs, just openings to conversations, opinions, and growth.
I hope you have had a chance to log on to RightNow Media. We have signed St. Mary’s up for their program so the parish can access their thousands of Bible Studies, reflections and devotionals. If you have not yet signed up, you will receive two more emails (one this Sunday, one next) inviting you do so. I hope you will explore this program, my hope is that we can have monthly programs we all watch and discuss at Coffee Hour, as well as the opportunity for exploration on your own.
Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa