From Mother Pippa 3.14.2023

The start of Spring is just days away, even if the weather isn’t sure of the season. I saw my daffodils poking through even in the midst of snow piles. We’ve reached the fun point of the year when any outdoor activities are planned with multiple contingencies in place. To that end, our upcoming fellowship hike will either be a hike or snowshoeing activity on March 25 at 10 a.m. Please sign up if you are planning to join Carol and her group.

Another sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall is for the Palm Sunday children’s crafts on April 2 at 11 a.m. We’ll have five stations in the Parish Hall (cutting out paper to make palms to wave; bread and juice Last Supper; foot washing; forgiveness craft and coloring plastic eggs). We will also hide Easter eggs outside (weather permitting at 9 a.m.) If you are able to help, please sign up. The crafts/activities are all really straightforward.

Trish’s funeral is the day before Palm Sunday, April 1 at noon. If you are able to stay after the reception to help set up for Palm Sunday, that would be appreciated. All cookies and bars should be brought to the easternmost door of the office (right across from the Chapel) to put items on my desk and Carrie’s desk.

We are over halfway through Lent, how has the journey been? Did you give something up or take on a discipline? Have you noticed something new about yourself or your relationship with God? When you listen, what do you hear the Holy Spirit say? Or where do you feel it nudge? I hope Lent has been and continues to be a time of insight and growth, and above all, an affirmation of God’s love.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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