From Mother Pippa 12.12.2023

Happy Gaudete Sunday! The third Sunday in Advent is also known as Rejoice Sunday, a time to lighten the penitential and preparatory nature of the season. We will recite Mary’s Magnificat, praising God for all the saving works throughout history, as well as God’s steadfast and faithful love.

I’d like to offer this prayer by Allen Vander Meulen III, Memorial Congregational Church UCC:
And so, rejoice we shall, no matter what rages around or against or within us.  Our souls shall magnify you O Lord, for you are with us, even when all else that we trust is gone.
Lord, we gather here so that the fire you have planted in each of us will strengthen and grow: becoming a mighty flame that brings hope where there is none, encouraging love to grow where it has too long been gone, and extinguishing fear in the hearts of all.
We rejoice in each other.  We rejoice in our faith.  We rejoice in your Gospel.  And, we rejoice in your presence here this morning.
In all things we shall rejoice, Amen.

May you find time to rejoice in all circumstances and situations. May you see God’s love lightening your life and bringing you closer to God’s purpose in your life. As you prepare, remember that we are getting ready for something amazing – not a difficult test or a gotcha question. We are preparing for Jesus, Immanuel, God-With-Us, the Incarnate God.

Happy Advent,
Mother Pippa

Upcoming Services:
December 17 – Longest Night at 4 p.m.
December 24 – Advent IV at 8 a.m.
December 24 – Christmas Pageant at 10 a.m.
December 24 – Christmas Eve Service at 9 p.m.
December 25 – Christmas Day Service at 10 a.m.
December 31 – Lessons & Carols at 10 a.m.
January 6 (Saturday) – Epiphany Evensong at 4 p.m.

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