From Mother Pippa 12.16.2024

Welcome into the last week of Advent and the start of the Christmas season! We’ve read through Luke’s stories of apocalypse, John the Baptist proclaiming Jesus’ arrival and scolding those who come for repentance without being willing to change, and this week we hear Mary’s song of praise to God. Advent reminds us that great change is coming, and if we find ourselves saying “yes” to it, this change can be one of hope and salvation.

I hope you will join us for worship in the coming days. See the schedule below for all our worship opportunities.

December 22
8 AM – Holy Communion using the readings for Advent IV
10 AM – No Rehearsal Christmas Pageant with Holy Communion (visitors are very welcome to participate)
4 PM – Longest Night in the Chapel (this service faces feelings of loss, loneliness and stress that can accompany the holidays).

December 24
4 PM – Christmas Eve Service with Holy Communion in the Chapel
9 PM – Christmas Eve Service with Holy Communion in the Church (caroling starts at 8:30 PM)

December 25
10 AM – Christmas Day Service with Holy Communion in the Church

December 29
10 AM – Lessons and Carols Service with Communion from the Reserve after the Service

January 5
9 AM – Holy Communion and Baptism in the Church
4 PM – Epiphany Evensong in the Chapel

Finally, as we schedule to move towards one service each week, Coffee Hour hosts have a request. Specifically, they would like to kindly ask that church members who are not part of the coffee hour hosting team to refrain from bringing items for the event. While the generosity is appreciated, it can sometimes create extra stress and chaos for the team that is already preparing and organizing everything. If you would like to bring something for Coffee Hour, please consider joining one of our teams. Thank you!

Merry Christmas!
Mother Pippa

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