From Mother Pippa 10.29.2024

We have two big time changes this Sunday. The first is the end of Daylight Saving Time, so set your clocks back an hour on Saturday. We also have just one service at 9 a.m., so set your alarms however you need to so that you can join us for worship on Sunday. This Sunday is also All Saints, and we will celebrate the communion of all the saints: “the whole family of God, the living and the dead, those whom we love and those whom we hurt, bound together in Christ by sacrament, prayer, and praise.”

The next Sunday, November 10, is Consecration Sunday. We will have one service at 9 a.m., followed by a catered meal. Please RSVP so we know how many to plan for. This will be a festive celebration of the people of St. Mary’s – one day when we are not asking you to bake or volunteer, but just a day to celebrate the parish.

November 10 is also the day we will mark Veteran’s Day. If you have family or friends who are currently in the military or are veterans, please get their names to Lynn by November 4 so we can include them in our bulletin.

During November we will be collecting funds to shop for four families’ Thanksgiving dinners. We get four local names from St. Vincent du Paul, and we will go shopping on November 24. Any money we raise above what is needed to buy groceries will go on Pick N Save gift cards for the families. If you are able to help shop and deliver on November 24, that would be appreciated as well.

Please mark your calendars for these upcoming events:
November 2 – Presiding Bishop’s Installation online at 11 a.m. EST
November 2 – Movie Night: Potluck at 5:30, Mary Poppins at 6 p.m.
November 3 – Daylight Saving Ends
November 3 – Combined Service at 9 a.m.
November 3 – All Saints Day
November 5 – Election Day
November 6 – Prayer for a Peaceful Election at 6 p.m. in the Chapel
November 9 – Ordinations at 10:30 a.m. at All Saints’ Cathedral
November 10 – Combined Service for New Consecration Sunday at 9 a.m.
November 17 – Bible Study after both services
9 a.m. – Morality in the Book of Ruth
11 a.m. – The Book of Psalms

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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