From Mother Pippa 1.17.2023

Sunday we will be discussing the possibilities of the three Dioceses in Wisconsin (Eau Claire, Fond du Lac and Milwaukee), reuniting as a single diocese. In the early days of Episcopalians in Wisconsin, we were a single diocese – our three stained glass windows are in honor of our first three bishops for the entire state. As the diocese grew, it became harder for the Bishop to reach each church in a timely manner (remember that in the 1800s the bishop would have been traveling by horseback).

As life in the church continues to change, we are looking at new ways of working together in ministry. We are calling this process a trialogue (like a dialogue, but with three partners). The trialogue is considering the reunion of the three Episcopal dioceses in Wisconsin into one diocese. A Steering Committee is coordinating the various Task Forces to examine what is needed for building such a proposal. No specific proposal has been developed yet. There is additional information at the Wisconsin Episcopal Trialogue Hub website at This site provides information about each diocese, explanation of the process as well as the various task forces working to discern God’s will for Episcopalians in Wisconsin.

The time will be one for gathering thoughts, hopes, concerns and fears.  The information gathered will be provided to the Parish Engagement Task Force and then the Steering Committee for them to determine how to address and assign questions it to a task force.  Some of you may be thinking, “why go through this, it is a done deal.”  The bishops are clear; it is not a done deal.  The decision whether or not to join together in some form is a complex one.  There is much we need to learn, reflect, and pray on, before any decision can be reached.  Be assured that this will not be done quickly or lightly, but prayerfully and with openness and thoughtfulness.  This is a time for listening to one another and to God’s Holy Spirit.

The following week (January 29) we will have a single service at 9 a.m. and then gather for a potluck at 10 and the Annual Meeting at 10:30 a.m. Should you require a Zoom link to attend the Annual Meeting, please let me know.

Upcoming Events
Hike – February 4 at 1 p.m.
Pancake Coffee Hour – February 19
Ash Wednesday – February 22
Game Night – February 25 at 4 p.m.
Lent Quiet Day – March 4 at 9 a.m.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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