Happy Easter! After 40 (or 46) days of preparation, we arrived at victory, at triumph, at resurrection! Today is the archetype for the rest of our Sunday celebrations – an affirmation that God’s love is stronger than our hate, violence and death. Today we join Mary, looking for God, only to have God call us by name – right in front of us all along. And still God loves us.
Today we bask in that love, and ask what it means for our lives. How do our lives change because we are secure in God’s love for us and the power of that love? How do we let go of what blinds us from seeing God in front of us, and instead joyfully answer God as he calls us by name?
Our Easter Offering is designated towards furnace repairs, though any extra will go to the Discretionary Fund which provides food and gas cards to people in the community. Any unlabeled donations will go towards the Easter offering. Today is also the last chance to donate toward our Lenten project – purchasing pet chip readers and new AED devices for the Summit Police Department. Please write “Lent Donation” on your check memo line, or place the donations in the wooden box in the narthex.
Finally, please note that the office will be closed on Monday and I will be out of the office on Tuesday as I am an election worker in Oconomowoc. Don’t forget to vote on Tuesday!
Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa