Click on one of the ministry groups below to learn more about opportunities to serve!

  • Acolyte: Serves with the priest during the celebration of the Eucharist.
  • Altar Guild: Prepares the church and ensures that everything is ready for Sunday morning worship - a vital, important 'behind-the-scenes' ministry!.
  • Chalice Bearer: Helps with distribution of Holy Communion by ministering the cup.
  • Children’s Liturgy of the Word: For children ages 4-12. During the school year, kids are dismissed from the 10:00 am service after the opening prayer and are back in church in time for the sign of peace.
  • Collection Counters: Count and record donations and deposit in the night deposit at the bank.
  • Fellowship Hour Hosts: Fellowship hour hosts help create an atmosphere of warmth and hospitality after each service. Parish families or individuals are encouraged to consider hosting by themselves or as part of a team.
  • Greeters: Welcome people to church, hand out bulletins, take the collection, bring up the gifts of bread and wine, and help clean up church after the service.
  • Intercessor: Leads the Prayers of the People (intercessions) during mass.
  • Music: Parish Music Director Carrie Arndorfer is always looking to be contacted by people seeking to be involved in music ministry at the parish! If you are interested in singing in choir, if you play an instrument, are interested in hand bells, or would like to participate in the music program in any way, contact Carrie!
  • Nursery: We leave our Nursery open for parents and children on Sunday mornings.
  • Reader: Proclaims God’s Word during worship.

This group is working to improve parish communication, encourage parish members to grow in faith and welcome the broader community to our parish.  We are continually seeking new and creative ways to reach out to anyone who may be searching for a relationship with Christ and a church home. Ministries of Community Life include but are not limited to:

  • Evangelism: Sharing our stories of faith, witnessing to others, inviting people to church.
  • Parish communications—parish newsletter and special mailings: Interested in writing? Photography? FaceBook? Instagram? We'd love your help!
  • Press releases and media relations
  • Website

This ministry seeks to permeate all aspects of parish life with a greater awareness of the needs of others and the gospel call to remember that we meet Christ when we feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, and visit those who are sick, in prision, or alienated in any way. This committee also strives for ways to make us aware of the essential character of peace and justice that is central to faith in Jesus Christ.  Ministries of Outreach include but are not limited to the following:

  • Coordinate of Advent and Lent Outreach Projects
  • Oversee the distribution of Christmas and Easter collections
  • Suggest disbursements of endowment funds for outreach
  • Nurture our relationship with St. Marc Parish, Jeanette, Haiti
  • Clean up Delafield Road as part of Adopt a Highway
  • Prayer for healing and anointing: We offer prayers for healing on the First Sunday of the month after both worship services.  We also offer this ministry by request.
  • Prayer ministry: We pray for those on our “prayer list,” asking God to watch over, bless, heal and guide all whose names are given to us.
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry: Making a beautiful, tangible symbol of our love and care for those who are in need of healing. 

Your St. Mary's Vestry - This leadership body in the parish is elected and provides vision, decision-making and offers counsel to the Rector. Members include: Sr. Warden, Jr. Warden, Deacon, Priest, and six members. 

Our Rector is the priest in our parish, and has responsibility for leading us in prayer, acting as an administrator, and ensuring that the ministries of the parish are alive and thriving.  The Rector also sees to the financial health of the faith community, and is responsible to see that the buildings and grounds are cared for lovingly and in a spirit of stewardship.

Our Deacon assists the Rector and seek to raise up the call to ministry of all of God's people. Deacon Chuck serves in a variety of capacities in the life of the parish.

Our Music Director seeks to complement our prayer and worship while also leading us in song and worship.  She also works with choir and instrumentalists.  She works with the Rector in the seasonal planning of worship.

We may occasionally have a Seminarian with us doing Field Education, and this is always a bonus!

Your St. Mary's Vestry - This leadership body in the parish is elected from among parish members and provides vision, decision-making and offers counsel to the Rector. Members include: Sr. Warden, Jr. Warden, Deacon, Priest, and six members.

This ministry team helps tend to the financial health of the parish, monitor the budget, advise the Treasurer, and provide over-sight and help ensure transparency and accountability.

We don't have a paid maintenance person at St. Mary's. Our buildings are cleaned weekly by a service, but all the maintenance, grounds work and deep cleaning that can be done by our members is... done by our members! A Buildings and Grounds Committee meets regularly to plan and work on care of our physical plant, inside and outside.  Spring Cleaning Sunday, an annual event, is usually held on the Sunday after Mother's Day, and this is a time when we clean, plant, organize, and get our "house" and grounds spruced up after the winter months.

All we are, all we have comes to us from God. What we do with our money, our time, our talent and our very lives are all expressions of our faith. This parish ministry committee seeks to assist parishioners in understanding this fundamental truth of our faith: All we have and are is God's gift to us. What we do with all we have and are is our gift to God. This ministry team seeks to highlight the centrality of this central aspect of our faith in the lives of our members as individuals and a community.

  • Adult Formation: Bible Studies, Sunday morning adult education classes, mornings of reflection, retreats, classes for those seeking formal membership in the Episcopal Church, and more.
  • Sunday School: Is held for children, families and adults at various times throughout the year.
  • Seminarians: St. Mary’s has been proud to welcome into our faith community seminarians and their families. We help in their formation as future priests by offering them leadership opportunities, feedback, and a place to call “home” while they’re studying at Nashotah House.
  • Spiritual Direction and Pastoral Counseling: Our Rector is available and willing to be of assistance to you as a mentor, listening ear and, when needed to make a referral for additional help

Pot Luck Meals, Bingo Nights, Kayaking and Hiking Trips, Craft Days, Music Events and more.

Strawberry Fest: The fourth Sunday in June. This event is the largest single-event fund-raiser for the Diocese of Milwaukee Haiti Partnership.

Kick Off Sunday: Sunday following Labor Day, Start of the program year.

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