From Mother Pippa
Lent is a busy season, and that is certainly true here at St. Mary’s. I hope you will join us Wednesdays for: Morning Prayer and Eucharist (9 a.m. in the Chapel); Living Compass Study (9:30 a.m. in the Chapel); Evening Prayer (6 p.m. in the Parish Hall); Soup Dinner (6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall) and Class (7 p.m. in the Parish Hall).
During the season of Lent, you might also want to come to confession. We confess each week during church, but should you wish to come and talk to me, I would be glad to meet with you for the Rite of Reconciliation (also called private confession). Sharing your worries aloud and hearing that God forgives can be a very healing experience. Private confession is optional in the Episcopal Church. As Queen Elizabeth I was said to say: “All may. None must. Some should.”
We have a number of events coming up, please check the board in the Parish Hall.
This Saturday (March 2) is the Hike to Holy Hill. Please sign up if you plan to join us.
Another upcoming opportunity is the Dousman Chamber of Commerce Member Dinner on Saturday, March 23. We are members of the Dousman Chamber and so all parishioners can come participate in this fun evening (the theme is Vegas Night) for $30 a ticket. There will be tables with food (including a mashed potato bar, street tacos, shredded pork sandwiches and dessert) as well as gambling with “fun money.” I went last year and it was an absolute blast.
Finally, if you are able to help with the Palm Sunday Interactive Holy Week and Easter Egg Hunt, please sign up. We will recreate the events of Holy Week with hands on activities including making and waving palms, eating the Last Supper, foot washing, confession stones and the empty tomb. We need one volunteer for each table. Next, we will be scattering eggs across St. Mary’s lawn for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt. This is an excellent event to bring family and friends for an all-age friendly Holy Week experience. Please sign up if you can help hide eggs.
Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa