Sunday we hit the big revelation – Jesus as giver of law and fulfiller of prophecy. Jesus climbs the mountain and is suddenly transformed. His disciples see Moses and Elijah talking with him. Peter panics, and decides they should all stay on the mountain forever (“Let us build three tents…”) Sunday is a day of exhilaration and delight before we enter into the season of Lent.
To that end, we will have pancakes at both Coffee Hours on Sunday. Pancakes are a traditional way to use up sugar, butter and eggs before entering into the fasting season of Lent. Of course, you may choose to fast from something other than food, or you might instead add a spiritual discipline. Lent is a time to move closer to God, a time to remember that God is our ultimate good, and that our lives are meant to draw us closer and closer to the one “who made us, knows us, loves us, and walks this path with us.”
I had successful surgery on February 8, my doctor said she was able to put all my bones back together and that they lined up well. I am spending this week learning how to move around my home to feed, clothe and otherwise care for myself. Thank you to everyone who has reached out with prayers, cards and offers of support. I am putting together a schedule of the things I need help to do and will reach out to see who might be able to pick up groceries, bring me to church, etc. That said, I am hoping to join you all on Ash Wednesday from my wheelchair. I have really missed worshiping with you all and hope I will be able to manage joining you at the start of Lent and moving forward.
Thank You, Take Care and God Bless,
Mother Pippa