From Mother Pippa 1.16.2024

Winter arrived all at once! I hope you stayed warm and safe this week as the temperature dropped. As a reminder, should we ever cancel something a church – an event, meeting, or Sunday Service – we will let you know in three ways:

  1. Email to those involved. I will email the group (or the whole church) to let them know the event is cancelled.
  2. Posted on Facebook. We will post on Facebook to let you know if anything has been cancelled
  3. Listed on the Website. On the front page of the St. Mary’s website ( we will list any cancelled events.

Should an event still be scheduled, but you worry about the cold, ice or snow, please always feel free to stay home. It is most important that you are safe.

The Annual Meeting is coming soon. Weather permitting, we will gather on January 28 for service at 9 a.m., potluck at 10 a.m. and the Annual Meeting at 10:30 a.m.
One idea that your Vestry is pondering is changing the scheduling of our Annual Meeting. What would you think if we had a September Annual Meeting with a draft budget, followed by Stewardship, followed by the Vestry sharing and approving the budget in January? We thought it might be easier to have Stewardship after we share our ministry goals for the following year, and that September might be an easier time to gather the parish for the meeting. Please reach out to me or your Vestry members to let us know your thoughts.

Community Life is gathering people together for “Beautiful: The Carole King Musical” at the Fireside. We are planning to attend the matinee on April 27 (arrive at 10:30, dine at 11:15, and show time at 1:30). The cost is $98 per person, though if we get a group of 13 or more, there will be a small discount. If you are interested in attending, please sign up by February 4 in the Parish Hall. We will then be able to buy our tickets together so that we can sit together for our meal and the show.

Finally, mark your calendars, our Homebrewed Faith for January 31 will focus on prayer. We’ll gather at Rosati’s at 7 p.m. January will be our last Homebrewed Faith before Lent. Our next meeting won’t be until April.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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