From Mother Pippa 7.27.2021

We are entering into a month of hearing about Jesus and Communion. Starting this Sunday, we will hear Jesus say: “I am the Bread of Life.” While communion is considered complete with only the bread, or only the wine, at St. Mary’s we are now returning wine to our worship together. We have one ounce cups with a sip of wine that will be distributed on Sunday. When you come up to the altar rail, the first person will hand you a wafer, and the second person will hand you a small cup of wine. After you drink the wine, please put the cup into the bucket the second person is holding, and we will recycle it.

At this point we are still not passing plates, but you are able to put any checks or cash in the wooden box in the Narthex, by the bulletins. Hopefully we will be passing plates again in October.

Mark your calendars! Our Kick Off Sunday/belated Easter celebration is scheduled for Sunday, September 19. When we missed Easter 2020, I said we would celebrate it at another time, when we were able to gather together and celebrate. September is the time, so we will have our belated Easter/Program Year Kick Off then. Feel free to dress in your Easter best and get ready to sing all your favorite Easter hymns. We will have one service at 9 a.m. and then have Fall Fest! We are trying out Fall Fest earlier in the year to hopefully have better weather and less strain on our volunteers. On that note, I have two questions for you:

  • What would you like to see at Fall Fest? (Food, Events, Entertainment, etc.)
  • How would you like to help? (Planning, Set Up, Serving, etc.)

I hope you are enjoying your summer, staying hydrated and cool and planning to join us for St. Mary’s Day on August 15 at 9 a.m. We will worship all together and then have a potluck (the first one since the 2020 Pancake Coffee Hour, and possibly, really much longer). I am so enjoying having a chance to chat with people at Coffee Hour, and am looking forward to celebrating our Patronal Feast with the whole Parish.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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