It has been such a joy to welcome visitors and newcomers to St. Mary’s. If you would be willing to wear your nametags on Sunday, I would really appreciate it. Hopefully we will all get to know each other better.
This Monday we are starting an Ecology Book Group. Join us at 11 a.m. to discuss What is Ecological Civilization: Crisis, Hope, and the Future of the Planet by Philip Clayton. Each week we’ll discuss two chapters of the book, and also brainstorm ways to help nurture the planet and “think global, act local” in reference to climate change. Marit will lead the discussion and we’ll also talk about maybe putting together a community garden, or other ways we can get involved.
Our kitchen is starting to become a squeeze point for some of our activities. Therefore, Jane is gathering a group to discuss the idea of remodeling of the kitchen. The initial work is exploratory – what is needed and how much would it cost. We will have the first meeting on Wednesday, February 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. If you are interested in being on the committee, please join us. If you don’t want to be on the committee but have an idea, write it down and give it to Jane, Diane or Kim before February 5.
We are returning to the Fireside Theater for Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express. We are planning to attend the matinee on May 3 (Dine at 11:15 AM, Show at 1:30 PM). Cost is $98 per person, which includes lunch (though if we get 13+ signed up, we will get a discount). Please sign up in the Parish Hall by February 9, 2025. We need you to sign up early so we can buy a block of tickets where we are all sitting together.
Sunday is our first Reception/Reaffirmation class in preparation for the Bishop’s Visit on February 16. I hope you’ll join us for the Bishop’s Visit!
Finally, does anyone know where the coloring basket for the kids ended up? It was tucked away during the Christmas season, and now I can’t find it. Help please! Thank you!
Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa