From Mother Pippa 1.19.2025

From Mother Pippa

I hope you have stayed cozy warm this week – I ventured out on Monday and was quickly chilled, despite all my layers. The temperature does look like it will be dropping starting on Sunday, and I want to remind you that if we have closures due to weather, I will let you know in three ways.

  1. It will be posted on the front page of our website:
  2. It will be posted on our Facebook page:
  3. I will email it out to the parish

If you don’t receive weekly emails from St. Mary’s, please update your email with Lynn so that you can stay informed. As always, please stay safe, and feel free to stay home if that feels safer.

We received a request to start singing the Great Amen, and so we will try it starting this Sunday. The Great Amen comes at the end of the Eucharistic Prayer, right before the Lord’s Prayer. I have just said a couple pages of prayers, and the Great Amen is the whole congregation affirming that prayer, a way of saying “Let it be so.” I hope it will be a familiar tune, but we will sing it for the rest of the season, so you will definitely get a chance to learn it if it’s new.

Do you have a favorite hymn for the season after Epiphany? Or maybe for Lent, Holy Week or Easter? If so, please let Carrie know either by writing it in the book by the bulletins or by emailing her. She is delighted to include your favorites, so long as you tell her what they are. If you’d like her to sing a song as a solo, please mention that as well. We are incredibly lucky to have such a great musician and I encourage you to take advantage of the fact.

We have a Fellowship Hike coming up on Saturday, January 25 at 10 a.m. Location is TBD, but please sign up for this fun community event. All are welcome.

Finally, I want you to mark your calendars for a Ministry Fair on May 4. I have been hoping to have a Ministry Fair since arriving at St. Mary’s – it’s a chance to look at all the things we do and invite people who might be curious to learn more about different ways to be involved. This includes serving on Sundays at worship or coffee hour, planning events, organizing outreach and so much more. I hope you will plan to come and check it out.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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