From Mother Pippa 1.12.2025

We are entering into the season after Epiphany, a season marked by revelations (or epiphanies) about the nature of God, the ministry of Jesus, and our call as Christians. We will start where we all start – in baptism. Sunday we recall Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River and reaffirm that in baptism we die to sin and death and are resurrected to life eternal in Jesus. That is an awesome, audacious statement. By standing in front of the church and making promises to God (or having those promises made for us), God welcomes us into being children of God, with citizenship in God’s kingdom. Alleluia!

Speaking of praising God, your generosity continues to blow me away. This year’s Christmas Offering totaled $5334.38! We will split it evenly between Wildlife in Need, Lake Country Free Clinic and the St. Mary’s Discretionary Fund/Direct Aid to Dousman. Thank you so much for your wonderful generosity – you are making a real and tangible difference in the lives of our neighbors.

Sunday is your last chance to sign up for Bingo! Community Life is providing the chili and the dessert. We are asking participants to bring a wrapped white elephant gift (one per each person) and if you would like to bring a snack or sides, those are welcome. We will have a white elephant gift exchange as our prizes, so please find some “treasure” in your house to wrap up and give to a new home.

Bishop Matt Gunter, the Bishop of Wisconsin, is coming to visit St. Mary’s on February 16. Bishop Visits are a time to feel our connection to the broader diocese, learn about ministries at all the different parishes, and a time for confirmations, receptions and reaffirmations of baptismal vows. These all require the presence of a Bishop, but they have different meanings.

  1. Confirmation – Making an adult commitment to being a Christian
  2. Reception – Being formally welcomed into the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement (becoming an official Episcopalian)
  3. Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows – Recommitting to the promises made in baptism

If you’d like to participate in any of these, please sign up this week so I can put a class together.

Thank you!
Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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