From Mother Pippa 12.5.2023

From Mother Pippa

Advent and Lent are times of preparation and penitence. We get ready, by looking without and looking within, and building ourselves to be who God made us to be. As part of that preparation, it is St. Mary’s custom to read and reflect on themes supplied by the Living Compass program. This Advent, we are focusing on wonder, and, in the last week, we reflected on wonder and stories. As it says in Living Compass: “Stories so often help us remember the One whose love we are preparing to celebrate, and those who have taught us so much about wonder and love through the years.”

As you perform your own preparations, what stories do you tell? I grew up decorating a Jesse Tree. We begin with a bare branch, and each day we add an ornament and read the accompanying Bible story. We trace God’s history of creation through stories – from creation to Exodus to prophecy to Incarnation. We tell the stories, and are reminded of how well we are loved. Or perhaps you light an Advent wreath in your home. Each candle stands as witness of light in the darkness.
I invite you to ponder the following questions. Who is a special person, a saint, someone who has gone before you, who taught you about love and wonder? Do you have a favorite Christmas story, movie, or song? If so, how or why does it speak to you about love and wonder?

It is time to let Lynn know when you are not able to serve at the altar. The Lay Ministry sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall. Please sign out if you are unable to be here on a Sunday from January through March. Please note that this time frame includes Ash Wednesday, Lent and Holy Week.

Finally, please note the upcoming services and times:
December 17 – Longest Night at 4 p.m.
December 24 – Advent IV at 8 a.m.
December 24 – Christmas Pageant at 10 a.m.
December 24 – Christmas Eve Service at 9 p.m.
December 25 – Christmas Day Service at 10 a.m.
December 31 – Lessons & Carols at 10 a.m.
January 6 (Saturday) – Epiphany Evensong at 4 p.m.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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