We have three outreach projects: collecting gifts for the youth at Lad Lake; selling ornaments to support the Hospitality Center; and our annual Christmas Offering. I hope you will continue to support these many opportunities for Outreach. If you would like to volunteer your time, please sign up to help serve a meal at the Gathering on Saturday, December 17.
Sunday is Dousman’s Annual Winterfest. I hope you will head over after church (activities begin at noon). Please sample chilies up and down Main Street and then vote for the one you like the best (which is definitely ours). There are also craft activities for kids, caroling, a scavenger hunt, face painting, a craft fair at the Municipal Building and Santa comes to town by fire truck at 4:30 p.m.
Sunday is your last chance to sign up for the December Hike. We will head out December 10 at 10 a.m., led by our intrepid Carol C. We haven’t decided where we will meet, so please sign up so we can send you an informational email.
The evening of December 10 we are singing all our favorite Christmas songs. All are invited to join us for our Carols and Friends event at 3 p.m. We have our hymnal plus a songbook with other familiar songs and will sing whichever songs people request. We will serve hot cocoa or cider at the end of the event.
The third Sunday of Advent is often a joyous time. We light the pink candle and mark “Rejoice” Sunday. This year we are celebrating with Bring a Friend to Church Sunday. Perhaps you have a friend or neighbor you have been meaning to ask. Maybe you have a friend who has been missing from your pew. Possibly you ran into a stranger and felt called to invite them. As it says on our sign “All are welcome. Seriously, all.”
On the fourth Sunday of Advent we will have a Cookie Exchange in the morning. Please sign up in the Parish Hall if you would like to participate. In the evening at 5 p.m. we will have our Longest Night service, where we hold the emotions of grief, anger, depression and anxiety that can accompany this time of year. This quiet service gives us a time to come together and support one another in the midst of life’s traumas and challenges.
Finally, mark your calendars:
Christmas Pageant – December 24 at 2 p.m.
Christmas Eve Service – December 24 at 5 p.m.
Christmas Day Service – December 25 at 10 a.m.
Lessons and Carols – January 1 at 10 a.m.
Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa