Happy New Year! I invite you to pray as we start another cycle around the sun:
Eternal God, whose Spirit fills time, each January 1st we celebrate both New Year’s Day and the holy name of Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of the world. As we journey through another year, let us remember that Jesus journeys with us each year, each day, each hour, each moment. May the love of Christ that’s planted in every heart, come to life and bear the fruit of the Spirit. Amen. (Timothy J. S. Seamans, Prayers for Every Season).
This Sunday we have one service at 9 a.m., and will continue to do so for the next several months (and possibly beyond). I hope you enjoy worshipping with the broader community of St. Mary’s and enjoy the opportunity for fellowship and formation as we worship as a single congregation each Sunday.
This Sunday we also have a Baptism! Meave Suzanne Henthrone (great-granddaughter of Dick and Sue Troemel) will become the newest Christian during our service. Please welcome Maeve and her parents, Meghan and Casey as they promise to raise her in the Christian faith and life.
Finally, we have a number of upcoming events:
January 5 – Healing Prayer after church
January 5 – Take down the Christmas decorations after the service
January 5 – Epiphany Evensong at 4 p.m. in the Chapel
January 8 – Devotions for People Who Don’t Do Devotions, Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. (Morning Prayer and Communion at 9 a.m.)
January 18 – Bingo at 4 p.m. (White Elephant)
January 19 – Bible Study at 10 a.m. (The Gospel of Mark)
January 29 – Homebrewed Faith at 7 p.m. at Johnny Pizzas (Ecumenism)
Prayers and Blessings (and Happy New Year),
Mother Pippa