I confess that I frequently get caught in the delusion that at some point church will “slow down.” I don’t know why, after all, Jesus repeatedly compared the kingdom of God to yeast and weeds and other things that quickly spring up and overtake their surroundings. It’s a gift. One I am reminded of as we look toward Saturday, September 10 and have three opportunities on the church calendar: volunteering at the Gathering (10 a.m.), an outdoor excursion (10 a.m.) and the Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting (10 a.m.). Additionally, some of you might have other events and activities scheduled on September 10. However, if you have time, I hope you will join us at one of these three opportunities for fellowship and outreach.
This weekend is Labor Day Weekend, and I hope you are able to find some rest from your labor in the spirit of creation, where God rests and hallows the sabbath day. In Jewish philosophy, I’ve been told that the work is not considered complete until one has rested. I hope you have a chance to rest and restore yourself whether by time with friends and family, on adventures, or quietly resting.
The office will be closed Monday in observance of Labor Day, but then we will rush into the program year with our kick off on September 11, and our Stewardship Drive September 18 – October 9. Our theme this year is More than Enough. Pulling from the miracle of the loaves and fishes (the only miracle, the resurrection, to appear in all four gospels), we are reminded that God’s blessings are likewise abundant. Miracles occur when we reach to share in a vulnerable way, opening ourselves up to serving God. The boy offered his lunch, and kicked off a miracle that all four Gospel writers felt necessary to tell. Who knows what we can do with trust, faith, and hope.
Prayers and blessings,
Mother Pippa