From Mother Pippa
This Sunday is the Kick Off to the program year. Our formation offerings often tie in to the academic year, and so Sunday sees the return of Choir, Sunday Adult Education (at 9 a.m.) and Sunday School (at 10 a.m.). Our Wednesday morning class kicks off on September 21, and we will be watching and discussing The Chosen.
Please join me in welcoming our new seminarian, Matt Phillips! Matt is a Nashotah House student, sponsored by St. Mark’s, Milwaukee, and he will be learning with us until next May. As part of his studies Matt will be up front on Sundays, preach on occasion, attend Vestry, and get hands-on experience in teaching, organization, worship, community/outreach and administration. I hope you will get to know Matt as he continues in his process of learning and formation. I know I am very excited to have him join us.
Are you feeling called to take on a representative role at St. Mary’s? We have two upcoming opportunities. The first is Diocesan Delegate. Convention is October 7-8 in Milwaukee and one of our delegates is unable to attend. If you would like to represent St. Mary’s as we pass resolutions, vote on leadership and approve the budget, please let me know. The second opportunity is for Vestry. At the Annual Meeting (January 29) our current term ends, and the new Vestry Team is elected. It is a two year commitment, with monthly meetings. Our Vestry keeps St. Mary’s ministering in the community, from forming long-term vision, to making sure our parking lot is striped and level. It’s a wonderful way to learn more about the parish. If you are interested, please talk to me, or another member of Vestry.
Finally, I want to acknowledge that 21 years ago this Sunday, the World Trade Center and Pentagon were hit by planes. I will never forget where I was when I heard the news, and I expect that is true of many of you as well. Let us pray: “Gracious God, our world changed with the 9/11 attacks. We have seen how easily buildings can fall and how quickly lives can end. As we remember 9/11, may it remind us that you are our only true security. Give us your strength to face the memory of this attack and the changes it made in our lives. Give us your compassion to help each other and recognize need around the world. Give us your hope as we face an uncertain future. Give us your peace. In the strong name of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”[1]
Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa
[1]Carrie Steenwyk Found at: