From Mother Pippa 11.28.2023

From Mother Pippa

Happy Advent! We are moving to Lectionary Year B, where we focus our gospel readings on the oldest gospels – the Gospel of Mark. Mark’s Gospel is only 16 chapters long, and includes the word “immediately” forty-one times. Mark writes quickly, and with urgency, wanting to tell people the stories of Jesus’ life before he returns again.

This Sunday we will decorate after the 10 a.m. service. If you are able to stay and help put up the crèche, I would appreciate it. We will also be putting up and lighting the Christmas tree.
For more holiday fun, Carrie is taking a group caroling at Three Pillars at 1:30 p.m. All are welcome to come and sing carols. Carrie has booklets with the lyrics, so you don’t have to pull them from memory.
If you are not able to join us December 3, we will also be going caroling on December 10 at 1 p.m. over at Lake Country Health services. Please sign up for one or both caroling opportunities.

We have two outreach projects, as well as one service opportunity. As is our tradition, we are collecting gifts and money for the youth at Lad Lake. We are also offering people the opportunity to support the Hospitality Center and receive a Christmas ornament as a thank you. On December 9 we are serving our final meal of the year at The Gathering. If you are able to help serve, please sign up.

On the evening of December 9 we are going on a Headlamp Hike! Join us about 30 minutes before sunset to explore the Ice Age Trail with headlamps, and conclude with hot cocoa! If you are coming, please sign up so we know how much cocoa to prepare.

Finally, I hope you will consider joining us for our Longest Night service on December 17 at 4 p.m. Advent and Christmas can be times of great joy and expectation, but they can also be difficult times of worry, pressure and grief. Should you wish for a quiet, contemplative service to honor those harder emotions, please join us for Longest Night.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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