From Mother Pippa 9.14.2021

Happy Easter! Of course, it’s not when we usually celebrate Easter, and yet, every Sunday is a celebration of the resurrection. This Sunday we will read the Easter readings, sing the Easter hymns, and rejoice that Jesus Christ is risen indeed, Alleluia!

It has been a tremendously busy week. We started Monday with a downpour at the same time we were trying to move books out of Mary-Beth’s basement. Fortunately, the rain stopped long enough to get the books to St. Mary’s and into the building. The team then set to work setting out the books to prepare us for Wednesday. Big thanks to everyone who volunteered to help set up, sell and clean up books this week. It’s a big job, and it really is a wonderful opportunity to let people know that we are here.

This Sunday is also Fall Fest – hopefully it will be sunny and gorgeous and a wonderful event. Thank you to everyone who signed up to help make Fall Fest a great success! The current forecast looks absolutely perfect, so please keep us in your prayers for lovely sunny weather.

Finally, thank you to everyone who filled out a survey last Sunday – it was really helpful to learn where people are in terms of Covid and worship. If you didn’t get a chance to fill out a survey, please let me know and I’ll get you one.
One piece of incredible news – all but one of our 45 respondents are 100% vaccinated! That’s amazing news and while we will likely still offer a “mask-only” service, it gives me a lot more confidence around having singing and mask-optional services. Stay tuned for more information.
As always, you are welcome to mask, and if you are not vaccinated, masks are required. Additionally, I would recommend checking with people before hugging, shaking hands, or otherwise touching. People have a lot of different preferences, and it never hurts to ask. If you are not vaccinated, please let people know before touching them, so they can make their choice based on their own health needs. Thank you!

Prayers and blessings,
Mother Pippa

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