Last Saturday was the Dousman Chamber of Commerce Member Dinner. Jane, Kim, Craig, Dian, Carol, Lynn and I were there to represent St. Mary’s and meet with other community leaders. Our theme was a 1920’s murder mystery, and as it turns out, the murderer was our own Diane, playing the mother of the bride. However, she put on such a convincing façade of innocence that she got away with the crime. Dousman has a fairly active Chamber of Commerce, and we participate in their events throughout the year. I check IDs for the Beer Gardens (June 17 and September 23 this year), St. Mary’s participates in the Dousman Rummage Sale (August 26) and I help plan Winterfest (December 3), where St. Mary’s competes in the Chili Competition. I am hoping we will participate in this year’s Derby Days Parade on July 30, and the circus is coming to town in August! If you are interested in volunteering at an event this year, please let me know. It’s a lot of fun, and also a wonderful way to become more connected to the Dousman community.
As we get out and about in the community, I am hoping we will be recognizable by our St. Mary’s t-shirts. We are nearly out of the last batch that we ordered, and so I want to get a sense on how many people who like to have a St. Mary’s t-shirt if we ordered more. The cost is about $10/shirt, though if that is a problem, we could subsidize some t-shirts. There is a signup in the Parish Hall, so please list your name and approximately which sizes you would want to help us order.
Last Saturday Deacon Chuck, Sally, Diane and I attended a training offered by the Diocese on safety. If you are interested, there will be a further training on Saturday, September 9 at Zion in Oconomowoc. One message that I thought was particularly helpful was a reminder that if you don’t know someone, go up, and ask what brings them here today. We can welcome newcomers and learn more about them, as well as getting a sense of what brings people to worship. Should you be interested, please talk to me to learn more.
Save the Date
May 7: Bike Blessing at 9 a.m.
May 14: Mother’s Day with flowers to thank the mothers in the parish
May 21: Clean Up Sunday, come prepared to polish and vacuum our pews and clean the church windows.
May 28: Graduation Sunday, please submit names of graduates to the office
May 28: Pentecost, please sign up to read Acts 2:1-21 in a non-English language
June 4: St. Mary’s Day, please sign up to bring a dish to share. We also would love any outdoor games to play (giant jenga, corn hole, etc.)
June 25: Strawberry Fest
July 9: I’m on vacation. Father Scott will join us that day.
Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa