Sunday is our annual Bike Blessing at 9 a.m. As the weather turns warmer and you find yourself traveling by bicycle, motorcycle, skateboard, roller blades, etc., I have a blessing to keep you safe in your journey.
Sunday is also our annual Clean Up Sunday. I have high hopes that our windows inside and out can be cleaned to let in all that spring sunshine! We will have Coffee Hour as normal, but I hope you will shine a window or two before or after your coffee.
You may have noticed that the bathrooms in the Parish Hall look a little different. Last week Deacon Ryan put in new locks on the doors, and John pulled out the partitions. This week Deacon Ryan and Curt replaced the toilet in the men’s room as well as the water valves. At the end of the project we will have two uni-sex bathrooms that are wheelchair accessible, as well as being well sized for families. I was so impressed with how much more room there was without the partitions. Both bathrooms will also receive a new coat of paint.
We are also working on adding air conditioning. We received grant money from the Diocese to update the bathrooms, and we also received some money from the Diocese to add air conditioning to the Parish Hall. I am deeply grateful to JR and Deacon Ryan for their willingness to work on this project – their expertise is saving us thousands of dollars. The Diocesan money gets us a third of the way towards air conditioning, and the Mother’s Day flower sale will also help. This summer we’ll have a fundraising thermometer to track our progress, and I am hoping we will have air conditioning installed before it gets too hot. Donations to the project are very welcome (we are hoping to raise a total of $6000, and already have $2000).
This Saturday your St. Mary’s delegates went to Baraboo to vote on becoming a single Diocese of Wisconsin. Since I wrote this earlier this week, I don’t know the outcome of the vote, but look forward to sharing it with you on Sunday. Please keep us all in your prayers.
Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa