From Mother Pippa 2.21.2023

We are entering into Lent, six weeks to prepare for the mystery of Holy Week and Easter. It’s a penitential season, a time to see where we have strayed or turned away from following Jesus, and an invitation to return. I appreciate having a specific season to remind me to check in, to discern the state of my soul and to recommit to faith and devotion. I hope you find this Lent to be a blessing, a time to look honestly at your life, and with God’s love and help, to continue to answer God’s calling in your life.

Our Lenten programs will begin this week. Wednesday mornings we are returning to the Living Compass program. The theme for Lent is practicing compassion. What does it mean to be compassionate? How do we practice compassion with love and solid boundaries? You can join the discussion Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. or you can pick up a booklet in the Narthex and follow along on your own.

Wednesday evenings are all about Soup and Substance. We will gather for Evening Prayer at 6 p.m., followed by soup supper at 6:30 p.m. and class at 7 p.m. Please sign up to bring soup or bread on the sign-up in the Parish Hall. Our seminarian, Matt Phillips, will be leading a class on the different ways to pray. This includes: Praying with our Words (Prayer Writing); Praying with our Ears (Lectio Divina); Praying with our Eyes (Iconography); Praying with our Memory (The Daily Examine); and Praying with our Feet (The Way of the Cross). You are welcome to join for any or all of the evenings as well as any or all parts of the program (if you just want to come for dinner, you are welcome!)

I continue to heal, and had my two week check up on Thursday. I will be presiding from the wheelchair for at least another four weeks, but I am really excited to be back with you all for worship. Thank you to everyone who has offered to help bring me to and from church, and to otherwise make life possible while I am unable to put weight on my right ankle.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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