Thank you to everyone who donated winter clothing, water bottles and funds to the Hospitality Center in Racine. Their mission is to be “a community of hope and dignity that welcomes all” as well as providing “space to gather and connect with essential resources.” This is a Diocesan mission, and I am so proud of St. Mary’s for getting involved.
This Sunday we will list names of remembrance in the bulletin. As we honor our veterans on Thursday, we also recall the others in our lives that we have lost and are missing. We are promised that we will see them again, and yet, we still need time to remember, grieve and hope as a community.
Starting this Sunday, we will offer two services per Sunday. The noon service was not meeting people’s needs, so we will cancel it. The 8 a.m. service will be recorded and posted to Facebook and YouTube while the 10 a.m. service is broadcast over the radio on 97.9 FM.
The Advent Craft Fair is coming up fast. Thank you to everyone for your donations of toilet paper rolls and paper towel tubes, we have 34 of the former and 11 of the latter. Please bring them in this week, the craft fair is Saturday, November 20 at Emmanuel UCC. If you are willing to run a craft, please let me know, or sign up in the Parish Hall.
Starting this Sunday, we will be collecting funds for our Thanksgiving Baskets. We are helping two families with their Thanksgiving groceries, and may receive a third. There is a box for donations in the Narthex. We will go shopping November 21, and if you are able to help, please let me know.
Our Thanksgiving service will be Thursday, November 25 at 9 a.m.
November 21 is a busy Sunday. In addition to shopping for the Thanksgiving Baskets, we will also Light the Church. If you can help put up Christmas lights around the Church, Parish Hall, and Chapel, please contact Mary-Beth. Should the weather be inclement, we will put up lights on Sunday, November 28 instead.
Finally, on November 21 we will talk about our 2022 Fests! Thank you to everyone who has turned in their surveys, it will give us a good sense of where people’s passions and energies are. I want to emphasize that we are only looking at our fests for 2022, we are not making permanent alterations. My hope is to have wonderful events that invite people to St. Mary’s without wearing out our volunteers.
Prayers and blessings,
Mother Pippa