From Mother Pippa 10.17.2023

The three Episcopal Dioceses of Wisconsin gathered for their individual Diocesan Conventions on Saturday, possibly for the last time. Thank you to everyone who participated in the trialogue process and to everyone who held us in prayer as we voted on whether or not to move forward as a single diocese. I want to particularly thank delegates Tom, Carl, Diane, Sally, Deacon Chuck and Deacon Ryan who joined me and many others at Convention on Saturday, October 21.

Next Saturday (October 28) I hope you will make your way to downtown Dousman to taste chili (vote for ours, it’s the best) and pick up your pies. A group of St. Mary’s volunteers are selling pies to raise money to repair the Chapel roof. To raise funds, they are selling apple pie ($25/pie), pecan pie ($25/pie) and pumpkin pie ($20/pie). You are also very welcome to donate to help fix the roof.

This week we had the furnace contractor in to see why we had smoke at the 8 a.m. service. He diagnosed the problem, and has ordered the necessary parts to replace the broken pieces. This is also an unexpected expense, and so I am doubly grateful that we have a group focusing on raising funds to keep the Chapel in good repair.

Diocesan Convention always reminds me of how many more Episcopalians there are in the Diocese – I know only a small fraction. The churches in Lake Country are trying to connect more Episcopalians together by organizing shared worship services and ministry. To that end, St. Alban’s, Sussex is hosting an All Saints Evensong on Wednesday, November 1 at 7 p.m. If you would be interested in serving at the service, please let me know. There will be a combined choir that will rehearse at 5:45 p.m. that night (I have the music if you’d like to practice ahead of time), I could use a reader to read a lesson, and we have been asked to bring one or two dozen cookies. If any of that appeals to you, please let me know. Regardless, I hope you will consider joining us at this first combined service, and I would love to know your thoughts on the value of such services in the future.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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