From Mother Pippa 9.28.2021

I had so much fun reading responses to the question “What perfect gift have you received?” Thank you to everyone who shared their wisdom and stories. I hope you will take some time to read the responses, they are on the television in the Parish Hall. This week we will focus on the question “What makes a perfect gift?” Thank you to Julie for kicking off the conversation by sharing her thoughts during the announcements.

We are continuing with our Wednesday Morning worship and Bible Study. Our current focus is on the history of the Bible itself – how and why it was written and the history behind the canonization process. We will then let the group’s interests direct our studies. Perhaps we will delve into Revelation, or the book of Psalms or the books of the Apocrypha. I love getting to nerd out over Bible questions and am greatly looking forward to our discussion!

Our annual Vestry Retreat was September 25, and we covered a great deal of ground. We try to look at where we are and also explore where we would like to spend our time and energy in the future. One of our focuses this year was how to make sure we continue to offer a vibrant and relevant programmatic offerings, while not burning ourselves out. One idea that had a lot of energy was to offer an evening program for families during the summer, sort of a Family Camping Night that would include dinner as well as Biblically themed crafts, music, and games. If you would be interested in helping to explore this idea further, please let me know. The Vestry also talked about some of our current fests, and wanted to gauge parish energy and commitment. To that end, please consider and fill out a survey about the different fests we offer each year. You can find the survey at church on Sunday or at

Finally, this Sunday is the first offering of our noon service in the Chapel. This service will require masks and will have no music. My hope is to keep it under 30 minutes. The 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. will remain mask optional (though recommended) for those who are vaccinated (masks required for those who are not), and we will also continue to post the service online and project the 10 a.m. service over the radio on 97.9 FM.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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