From Mother Pippa 9.24.2024

Based off feedback from the Annual Meeting, we are exploring two schedule changes. The first is that on first Sundays, we will have one service at 9 a.m. We had multiple people suggest having a 9 a.m. service, and so the Vestry wants to try this monthly option. We hope it will help the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. communities bond with one another as a single St. Mary’s community. We will offer music at this service (including the choir) and have healing prayer following the service. Coffee Hour will have double hosts to offer hospitality to this bigger group. We are trialing this combined service on: October 6, November 3 and December 1. Please let me know what you think!

Another common theme at the Annual Meeting was a thirst for Bible Study and more formation at St. Mary’s. On third Sundays I will offer a Bible Study after both services. You can grab your coffee and treats in the Parish Hall, and then we’ll gather round a table (or two) to talk about this wonderful, challenging, foundational text. Our first three meetings will be: October 20, November 17 and December 15. Bring a Bible (if you like) and come to “read, mark and inwardly digest” our Holy Scripture.

We have one more Adopt a Highway coming up. Please stay tuned, it will be scheduled sometime in October.

Finally, please mark your calendars for our annual Blessing of the Animals. Our pets are generally not able to join us in church, but they are welcome to come for a blessing on Saturday, October 12 at 10 a.m. This is also a lovely opportunity to invite family and friends to come and check out St. Mary’s. I am happy to bless your pets in-person or by photo and I will even bless stuffed animals. I hope you will join us as we remember how broad and wonderful God’s creation is.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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