This Sunday is Strawberry Fest! We are having one single service at 9 a.m., so be sure to change your alarms for Sunday. If you have ordered strawberry goodies, please pick them up between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. this Sunday.
Your Vestry met and voted, and we are no longer asking vaccinated people to mask at church. Per CDC guidelines, we still recommend masks for unvaccinated people and children under 12. It was so lovely to see people’s faces again on Sunday, I have missed seeing your smiles! We are also allowing people to come up to the altar rail for communion, though we are still serving only bread.
I will be on vacation the next two Sundays (July 4 and July 11). Father Jim Kaestner will be preaching and presiding those Sundays, so please make him feel welcome. July will also mean the return of our regular worship ministers – including acolytes, Altar Guild, readers, ushers and Coffee Hour hosts. If you are interested in volunteering for any of those ministries, please let me know.
Our faster internet was installed last week, which means we will begin streaming our services live this Sunday. That means the service won’t be available on Facebook until the start of service, which is normally 8 a.m., but will be 9 a.m. this week. You can watch the service at any time after the start of service. We are hoping to continue streaming our services to allow people to attend St. Mary’s even while ill or traveling.
Please mark your calendars, our memorial service for Patty Lindert is scheduled for Saturday, July 24 at 10 a.m. Patty passed away last December, and we are finally able to have her service at St. Mary’s to remember and celebrate her life. We have not yet scheduled Sunny Turner’s service, but will do so shortly. Please stay tuned.
Prayers and blessings,
Mother Pippa