From Mother Pippa 6.21.2022

This Sunday is Strawberry Fest! Thank you to all the volunteers who have donated time, muscle, baking ability, and so much more. Thank you to our sponsors who are helping to underwrite the event, I have high hopes that we will be able to send our highest donation yet to the Haiti Project because of their generosity.

Have you seen the series on Prayer by Philip Yancey on RightNow Media? Or Tim Mackie’s series on Justice? These and so much more can be found on the St. Mary’s channel on the RightNow Media website ( Or perhaps you have explored and found a series that you would recommend. My hope is that in July we can all watch a series at home, and then discuss it during Coffee Hour. Please let me know if you have any series that you would recommend.

Next Wednesday (June 29) we are watching Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at 9:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall. I hope you will join us for the movie and discussion afterwards. The runtime is 1 hour 17 minutes.

In Ordinary Time we get a choice on our Bible readings for Sunday. The epistle and the Gospel remain the same, but we can either read from the Narrative Track (also called Track 1) for the Old Testament and Psalm, or we can read from the Thematic Track (also called Track 2). We are currently reading from the Thematic Track, which means that the Old Testament and Psalm often share ideas in common with the epistle and Gospel. If you are curious, you might look up the Narrative Track, which includes sequential readings from the Old Testament, this year beginning in Kings. I confess I find the Thematic Track easier to preach from, but there is also value in reading the Old Testament sequentially, instead of bouncing around from theme to theme.

Summer is often a busy time, but I hope you are able to spend time with God as you wait in line, take a breath, or revel in God’s creation. You do nothing alone, and God is with you always.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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