From Mother Pippa 5.7.2024

I would like to start with gratitude. Gratitude for all who have served as mothering-figures in peoples’ lives, gratitude for the men of the parish for hosting coffee hour this Sunday, and gratitude for everyone who stayed after church last Sunday to clean a window or polish a pew. The church absolutely gleams thanks to all your hard work!

Last Saturday the three dioceses of Wisconsin met to vote on whether we should become one diocese. The vote passed with huge majorities in all six groups (lay and ordained in each of the three dioceses). This means that we are going to General Convention in June to ask for the approval of the wider body. Assuming a positive vote from them, we will be officially one diocese as of June 28. Practically speaking, we won’t see much change in the daily life of the parish, but I am really excited for ministry opportunities going forward.

We are welcoming an AlAnon group to St. Mary’s. We have an AA group that meets here on Mondays at 7:30 p.m., and as of June 6, we will have an AlAnon group meeting weekly on Thursdays at 10 a.m. According to the national website: “Al‑Anon is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. By sharing common experiences and applying the Al-Anon principles, families and friends of alcoholics can bring positive changes to their individual situations, whether or not the alcoholic admits the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help.” You are very welcome to join either group if you think it would be helpful.

Some quick notes on upcoming events:
Our first Highway Clean Up of the year is May 18! Please join us at the Sawyer Road Park N Ride at 9 a.m. to care for our stretch of Delafield Road. Please sign up so I have the appropriate number of vests and garbage bags for volunteers.
Movie Night is also May 18. We will gather for a potluck at 5:30 p.m., followed by a very awesome movie at 6 p.m. (Movie TBA)
Finally, May 19 is Pentecost! Please sign up to read Acts 2:1-21 in a non-English language and consider wearing red to church to celebrate!

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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