Happy Birthday! Sunday we celebrate the birthday of the Church, recalling the day that God’s Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples in that day nearly 2000 years ago. I hope you will stay for Coffee Hour and fellowship as we mark the start of a new liturgical season.
I want to thank Carrie for indulging me by chanting the psalm at the 10 a.m. service. I grew up chanting psalms this way and I hope you will join me in singing this ancient prayer to God.
Strawberry Fest is four weeks away! After two years of Covid restrictions, we are back to a full Strawberry Fest celebration, and we need your help! There are signups for volunteers, for donations to the Bake Sale, for sponsorships and for help with advertising. I am hoping we will have strawberries to cut and freeze next week.
If anyone is able to help get our grills in condition, I would really appreciate it. I will try to haul them up out of the basement, but I believe that at least one of them requires new burner coils.
If you live near the church, please pick up a yard sign on June 19 and put it in your yard or on the road to help people learn about the event.
Our kayak trip is coming up on Saturday, June 11. I hope you will sign up in the Parish Hall so that we can expect you. We will meet at 10 a.m. on Sawyer Road, just south of the Park N Ride.
Our outdoor church services begin next Sunday (June 12). Weather permitting, we will have service by the river at 8 a.m. on June 12 and at 10 a.m. on June 19. We will have indoor service both Sundays at the 10 a.m. and 8 a.m. services, respectively. Please bring a chair, or feel free to grab a chair from the shed on your way to worship.
Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa