This Sunday is not only the Sixth Sunday of Easter, it is also Mother’s Day! On this day we will celebrate and lift up all who mother in our community. Should those who mother attend either 8 a.m. or 10 a.m., I hope you will pick up a flower and piece of fudge in honor of this important vocation.

Monday is the Dousman Identity Theft Workshop. Everyone is welcome to come to the Dousman Community Center at 6:30 p.m. to learn more about how to avoid having your identity stolen as well as what to do should you find yourself a victim of such a theft. This workshop is hosted by the Dousman Chamber of Commerce and St. Mary’s is a member. I am really excited to learn more, after all, we have monthly attempts by scammers to convince parishioners that I am soliciting gift cards for pastoral care.

This coming weekend is quite busy! We have Adopt a Highway on Saturday, May 15 and the Parish Clean Up on Sunday, May 16. Please let Jim know if you can join us at 9 a.m. on Saturday or Mary-Beth if you can join us after the 10 a.m. service on Sunday.

The Strawberry Fest Planning Team has decided to offer a public radio style fundraiser for Strawberry Fest this year! Here’s how it works: You make a donation to the Haiti Project (through St. Mary’s) and we thank you with a gift you pick up June 27. Donation levels are: $10, $25, $50, $125 and $1000. To share our thanks, we will offer a dessert (or two), and chocolate dipped strawberries. See the order forms in your bulletin for more details.
Would you like to be involved? We are still looking for people will to slice and prep berries during this month and next. We could also use bakers to make the strawberry shortcake and volunteers to help deliver food on June 27.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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