Our annual Bike Blessing is coming up on Saturday, May 8! I am quite excited to bless any wheeled form of transportation – bicycles, skateboards, unicycles, motorcycles, roller blades, tricycles, longboards and other wheeled forms of motion. We will gather at 9 a.m. for a short blessing service, and will then send you on your way to enjoy the beautiful Wisconsin spring.
Events like the Bike Blessing are wonderful opportunities for evangelism – invite your friends and family to join us for this St. Mary’s tradition. The Rock River HOG will be joining us as well.

Next Sunday, May 9, we will celebrate Mother’s Day. As part of the service we will offer a prayer for all those who mother, whether their own children, or other’s children, mothering is a selfless gift given with no thought of return. I want to thank everyone at St. Mary’s who offers that gift to one another, and we will have the traditional flowers as well as fudge to thank all who mother and join us for our 8 a.m. or 10 a.m. services.

We continue to collect names of people who are graduating this year to honor them on May 23. I am also collecting names of people to read Acts 2:1-21 in other languages. If you don’t have a Bible in the language you want to read in, I would suggest going to They have the Bible in quite a number of different languages and translations. If you don’t feel up to reading in another language, I hope you will consider adding red to your wardrobe, it’s a lovely visual for the day the Holy Spirit descended in flames. My mother would add that you get extra points for a hat, but only if you feel like it.

As we move into warmer weather, you are always welcome to sit outside your car at the 10 a.m. service, or pull up a chair in front of the cars. We have tested our radio the last two weeks and it seems to be able to project the sound quite well. We have also scheduled service by the river for the summer, we will have three 8 a.m. services by the river (June 13, July 18 and August 8) and three 10 a.m. services by the river (June 20, July 25, and August 22). Please pray that the weather cooperates.

Prayers and blessings,
Mother Pippa

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