Welcome to St. Mary’s on this Easter celebration! Whether you are a long time member or visiting for the first time, you are very welcome. Today we celebrate what we celebrate every Sunday – Jesus’ resurrection. We celebrate God’s triumph over death and the deathless love that reaches out to each and every one of us.
Of course, Easter is special. Each Sunday echoes the joy of today. Each Sunday we remind ourselves of the celebration of today – that Jesus is alive and will never die. The belief that in our baptism we join Jesus in his death and move into resurrected life here and now.
It is St. Mary’s tradition to designate our Easter collection as an Easter Offering. Our Outreach Team has chosen three charities to support with our Easter funds as we try to share our joy by supporting ministry in the world. Therefore, the collection today will go to our Easter Offering unless otherwise specified. All loose cash, designated checks, etc., will go to support our three chosen charities:
- Kettle Moraine Food Pantry – Serving the families of the Kettle Moraine School District, this all-volunteer organization directs all donations to their clients as dry goods, meat, dairy, produce, soaps and paper products.
- Lake Area Free Clinic in Oconomowoc – The clinic works with uninsured people to provide free medical and reduced cost dental care.
- Mary’s Discretionary Fund – Mother Pippa uses the discretionary fund mainly to help local people with emergency situations. This generally means distributing gas and food cards to local residents.
If you designate your check as a pledge on the memo line, we will not include it in the Easter Offering, but in the absence of other instruction, we will direct all funds collected today towards these three charities.
Following the services today we will offer Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall. You are welcome to join us for coffee and goodies, and then go forth into the world, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. We gather today to celebrate, to strengthen, and to go out and spread the Good News. Alleluia!
Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa