From Mother Pippa 4.11.2023

Happy Easter! We are now in this resurrection season, the key truth of our Christian faith. We are Easter people, people of hope and people who live in the world proudly proclaiming that death, tragedy and loss will never have the last word.

I am feeling in the spirit of Easter as I had my follow up appointment and am now allowed to walk with support once again. I want to thank the parish for your support and understanding, and particularly Lynn, Carrie and Deacon Chuck for going above and beyond to help keep us together. Thank you for your prayers, rides, errands and cards. It has meant the world to me and I feel so very lucky and grateful.

As the sunshine shines bright and the flowers are springing, we are moving towards summer. Please mark your calendars with the upcoming events:
May 7 – Bike Blessing at 9 a.m. Bring your bike, motorcycle, skateboard, roller blades or other wheeled method of transport. We will bless them all in the North parking lot.
May 14 – Mother’s Day. We will celebrate all who mother with flowers following both services.
May 21 – Clean Up Sunday (following both services we will be focusing on scrubbing pews, dusting kneelers and otherwise polishing up the church)
May 28 – Pentecost. Come and celebrate the birthday of the church. If you can read in a non-English language, please contact me so we can have Acts 2:1-21 read in a polyphony of languages.
June 4 – St. Mary’s Day! We are celebrating St. Mary’s Day a bit earlier this year. One of the benefits of our patron saint is how many saint days she has throughout the year. This year we are celebrating the Visitation, when Mary goes to visit Elizabeth.
June 25 – Strawberry Fest, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please sign up to volunteer to help set up, serve, clean up. Bring your friends and family for a delightful celebration.

I have not yet scheduled worship by the river, so please stay tuned.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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