From Mother Pippa 12.7.2021

This Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent – the one we associate with Joy. We light the pink candle, recognizing that this is a lighter time of preparation, a little rest as we look within. Following the 10 a.m. service, we will be decorating the church for Christmas. If you are able to stay and help, that would be greatly appreciated. We will be putting up a tree, setting out poinsettias and decorating the windows.

We will collect gifts and funds for the Lad Lake giving tree for the next two Sundays. Lad Lake will come to pick up the gifts on Monday, December 20. I hope you were able to see Jeff and Antoine speak last Sunday. It was amazing to hear all that Lad Lake does in our community. If you are interested in reading the poems written by the Lad Lake kids, you can find in on the table in the Narthex.

Also on the table in the Narthex are the forms for the Christmas memorials and thanksgivings. If you have people you want listed in the bulletin at Christmas, or thanksgivings you would like to list, please fill out a form and turn it in to Lynn. They are due by December 19 if you would like them to be included in the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day bulletins.

December 19 we have two important, though quite different services. In the morning, we will celebrate Lessons and Carols at both Sunday services. At 5 p.m. we will have a service of Longest Night. This will be a quieter service, a time to look within and see the difficult emotions as well as the happy ones.
Our Christmas Pageant will be December 24 at 2 p.m. All are welcome to come and hear the Christmas story. There is no rehearsal, but children will have an opportunity to place the familiar characters in the story and to ask questions.
Our Christmas Eve service will be at 5 p.m. We will gather in the darkness and celebrate God Incarnate. I look forward to seeing you all there. We will have carol singing beginning at 4:30 p.m.
Christmas Day we will have service at 10 a.m. I hope you will invite family and friends to join us.

If you have requested offering envelopes, they are available in the Parish Hall. If you would like envelopes and don’t see a set with your name on it, please contact Lynn.
There is a sign-out sheet for the lay ministry schedule. Please sign your name on days you are NOT able to serve. Thank you for your support and ministry.

Prayers and blessings,
Mother Pippa

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