Thanksgiving is nearly here. Thank you to everyone who has donated towards the Thanksgiving Baskets, we will go shopping this Sunday to deliver food to four local families. You are directly enabling them to celebrate Thanksgiving with all the delicious foods. St. Mary’s will hold our Thanksgiving service on Thanksgiving Day at 9 a.m. I hope you join us.
Advent is just around the corner, and we will be collecting gifts for Lad Lake, as well as selling Christmas Ornaments for the Hospitality Center. We will be collecting gifts through December 17 (unwrapped please), and the ornaments will be on the little Christmas tree in the Narthex.
Assuming the weather cooperates, we will be hanging up lights this Sunday. If you can stay after either service and help hang lights, Mary-Beth will be delighted to put you to work.
We have two opportunities for Christmas Caroling this year. Carrie has put together carol booklets, so please plan to join the fun. The first date will be on Sunday, December 3 at Three Pillars at 1:30 PM and the second date will be on Sunday, December 10 at Lake Country Health Services at 1 PM. We always have fun and the residents really enjoy singing along with us too. Hope you can make it! Kids are most welcome!
Our final hike of 2023 will be a Night Hike on Saturday, December 9. Please sign up for this headlamp lit hike that will end with hot cocoa and s’mores. Time is TBA, but will be about 30 minutes before sunset.
Advent and Christmas can be a time of great expectation and celebration, but this season can also be one of worry and grief. In recognition of the harder feelings of the season, we will have our annual Longest Night service on Sunday, December 17 at 4 p.m. All are welcome to this quiet service of reflection, comfort and hope.
Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa