Pledge Sunday was such a delight! I want to thank everyone who attended, as well as everyone who prayerfully considered their pledge to St. Mary’s. You are what makes this community possible, and more than that you make us vibrant and meaningful. Thank you! Of course, if you have not yet had a chance to turn in your pledge card, you can do so on Sundays, or by contacting the office. Lynn has been sending pledge confirmation letters, so if you don’t receive one, please be in touch.
November 7 we will celebrate All Saints Day with Evensong. If you would like to add to the decorations, please pick up pumpkin template in the narthex and carve a saint symbol of your choice onto a pumpkin, and then drop it off at church on November 7. I love Evensong, it is a beautiful way to close the day with worship and music, and I particularly appreciate feeling the whole communion of saints surrounding and inspiring us as we mark All Saints Day.
On a less happy note, you may have received an email from “me” this week saying:
“Are you available? I have a request for you to manage discreetly. I will appreciate a swift correspondence via email.”
This is not from me. As one person pointed out, the email is actually from “Father Pippa,” which is amusing. Should I have something I need discussed “discretely,” I will call you directly. Thank you to everyone who was vigilant and made sure not to be scammed.
If you haven’t filled out a St. Mary Fest survey, please do. I would love to have a conversation at both Coffee Hours on November 21 to discuss what fests we want to put on in 2022, and find the surveys extremely helpful in directing the conversation. You can fill out a survey at church, or go online to:
Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa