From Mother Pippa 1.11.2022

The Vestry met on January 11 decided to limit church attendance for the rest of January. On Sundays we will have one in person service at 8 a.m. Everyone attending needs to wear a mask. We will record the 8 a.m. service and show it on Zoom at 10 a.m.
Here is the Zoom link:

If you would like to submit an updated photo for the photo poster, please meet me in the Narthex after the service. We will be printing in February, so get your photos in ASAP!

Our Annual Meeting is on January 30. We will offer church online at 9 a.m. on Zoom, followed by a Zoom Annual Meeting at 10 a.m. We will vote via Zoom poll at the Annual Meeting, and if you would like a paper ballot sent to you, please contact the office.
Here is the link for the Annual Meeting:
I am delighted to say we have a full roster of Vestry nominees. Many thanks to Morgan, Mary-Beth, Jane and Julie for returning a second year, and thanks to Tom, Craig, Carol and Marit for stepping forward to lead. Huge thanks to outgoing members Carl, Kathy, Bill and Sally.
Unfortunately, we are canceling our first movie discussion in January. Hopefully we will be able to gather in February.

Our parish is blessed with an intern for the next several months – Jenny McCombe. Jenny is discerning for the priesthood and is working at St. Mary’s as part of her discernment process. Jenny will preach sometime in February or March, and will also be leading our Lenten program on Wednesday nights about Anglican prayer beads. Please join me in welcoming Jenny to St. Mary’s for the next several months as she discerns her call.

Prayers and Blessings,
Mother Pippa

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